Teach Us to Live; Stories from Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by Diana Wickes Roose.
Eleven teachers, artists, poets and doctors -- all survivors of the 1945 atomic bombing -- describe their searing experience and plead for nuclear abolition and peaceful conflict resolution. Includes resource guides and CD with English language interviews. 143 pp; richly illustrated. $15.95
ISBN 978-0-9648042-8-9  || ORDER ||
Be Happy, Be Free, Dance!
A Holocaust Survivor's Message to His Grandchildren

by Richard Weilheimer
Richard Weilheimer was one of 48 children rescued from the Holocaust by Alice Resch Synnestvedt. His story – incorporating letters from family members– documents the vitality of the pre-war German Jewish community, and shows how one individual turned trauma into a message of hope. 200 pp, richly illustrated; $18.00

ISBN 978-0-9648042-7-2  || ORDER ||
Over the Highest Mountains: A Memoir of Unexpected Heroism in France during World War II
by Alice Resch Synnestvedt
A lively young Norwegian nurse describes how she discovered the Quakers in Vichy France and wound up spending six years amid the deportations and the detention camps, rescuing people from the Nazis. 284 pp. 43 photographs and illustrations, map and index; $17.95
ISBN 0-9648042-6-3  || ORDER ||
Constructive Spirit: Quakers in Revolutionary Russia
by David McFadden and Claire Gorfinkel
with an overview by Sergei Nitikin

Refugee and famine relief, reconstruction, moral witness and unlikely heroism in a time of great organizational and international political change, from 1916 to 1931. 240 pp., 35 original photographs $16.95
ISBN 0-9648042-5-5  || ORDER ||

The Evacuation Diary of Hatsuye Egami
edited by Claire Gorfinkel

An Issei woman's diary describes her family's departure from Pasadena and incarceration at Tulare Assembly Center. Suitable for High School and College classes, and adults. 104 pp., $12.95
ISBN 0-9648042-1-2  || ORDER ||

Journey of the Wild Geese:
A Quaker Romance in War-Torn Europe

by Madleine Yaude Stephenson and Edwin "Red" Stephenson
Letters by two Quaker relief workers who fell in love during 18 months in post WWII France and Poland, describe their struggles with faith and relationships while rebuilding shattered communities. A compelling addition to peace studies curricula. 320 pp., $17.95
ISBN 0-9648042-4-7  || ORDER ||
Much Remains to be Done: Ruth Chance and California’s 20th Century Movement for Social Justice
by Claire Gorfinkel
A biographical tribute to a unique Californian, the farsighted director of the Rosenberg Foundation for 17 tumultuous years, and an engaging insight into the workings of a progressive foundation. 94pp., $9.95
ISBN 0-9648042-4-7  || ORDER ||
Because We Were Slaves: A Concise Haggadah for All of Us
by Claire Gorfinkel and Charles Davis

Contemporary, authentically Jewish, and designed to be accessible for adults and children unfamiliar with the Passover tradition. 24 pp., $7.95
ISBN 0-9648042-2-0
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